Mihai Sprinceana
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 | Femeie 23 ani Bucuresti cauta Barbat 26 - 57 ani |
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{Se dau doua multimi reprezentate prin vectorii a si b avand m respectiv n elemente.Sa se construiasca si sa se afiseze intersectia,diferenta si reuniunea unei multimi} var a,b,c:array[1..100] of integer; i,n,m,j,k:integer; gasit:boolean; {intersectia} begin write('m=');readln(m); for i:=1 to m do begin write('a[',i,']='); readln(a[i]) end; write('n=');readln(n); for j:=1 to n do begin write('b[',j,']='); readln(b[j]) end; writeln('multimea a'); for i:=1 to m do write(a[i],' '); writeln; writeln('multimea b'); for j:=1 to n do write(b[j],' '); writeln; k:=0; for i:=1 to m do for j:=1 to n do if a[i]=b[j] then begin k:=k+1; c[k]:=a[i] end; writeln('Intersectia este:'); if k=0 then writeln('vida') else for i:=1 to k do write(c[i],' '); {diferenta} writeln; k:=0; for i:=1 to m do begin gasit:=false; for j:=1 to n do if a[i]=b[j] then gasit:=true; if not gasit then begin k:=k+1; c[k]:=a[i] end; end; writeln('diferenta a-b este:'); if k=0 then writeln('vida') else for i:=1 to k do write(c[i],' '); {reuniunea} writeln; k:=m; c:=a; for j:=1 to n do begin gasit:=false; for i:=1 to m do if a[i]=b[j] then gasit:=true; if not gasit then begin k:=k+1; c[k]:=b[j] end; end; writeln('reuniunea este:'); for i:=1 to k do if not gasit then write(c[i],' '); readln end.
_______________________________________ House Music Set`s Me Free!
pus acum 16 ani |